Frequently Asked Questions – Executive Medical Assessment2019-02-21T22:08:43+00:00

Executive Medical Assessment

Frequently Asked Questions

Is your service covered by OHIP? If not, why is it not?2019-03-01T18:12:43+00:00

No, the Executive Medical Assessment is not covered by OHIP.  Our Executive Medical Assessment is conducted under the supervision of a Physician and administrated by qualified non-physician personnel such as our Executive Patient Coordinator or Nurse Practitioner (who are not covered by OHIP)

The annual assessment aims to be preventative, identifying potential health concerns that may not be examined in a typical physical through OHIP with your family physician. The Executive Medical Assessment is uniquely individualized and includes a comprehensive medical with age specific and gender specific testing.

Your employer may choose to cover the cost of this annual assessment recognizing that hard work takes its toll on their leadership teams.

How are the appointments coordinated in a day versus several days if I were to do it myself?2019-02-21T21:57:30+00:00

Executive Medical Concierge Canada Ltd. (EMC) arranges comprehensive assessment testing that fits into your busy schedule. To make the most of your valuable time, our Executive Patient Coordinator will arrange a thorough efficient day evaluation all in one day under one roof.

A typical day would include a head-to-toe exam, including screening and diagnostic tests based on your age, gender and medical history, cardiovascular testing, a hearing and vision exam, nutritional counselling and a fitness evaluation. Your day concludes with a physician review of your results and a personalized plan to keep you as healthy as possible.  From start to finish your assessment will take approximately 5.5 hours.

Lab work will be arranged a week in advance of your Executive Medical Assessment date, so that results will be ready at your assessment. It can be arranged for the Lab Technicians to go directly to your office.

Does EMC guarantee faster access to specialists and/or diagnostic tests?2019-02-21T22:03:45+00:00

No, we do not guarantee faster access, however pre-planning guarantees access to specific testing on your scheduled day. Our Executive Medical Assessments are pre-arranged on an annual basis, which allows our Executive Patient Coordinator and our Nurse Practitioner sufficient time to review your Medical Questionnaire and schedule the routine tests along with any ancillary tests identified upon review of your Medical Questionnaire.  Your appointment day is scheduled from start to finish.

If we do an Executive Medical Assessment, do you work directly with our family doctor?2019-02-21T21:58:37+00:00

The Executive Medical Assessment is an independent comprehensive health evaluation performed under the supervision of a physician and administered by qualified non-physician personnel. The annual assessment is designed to support your continued wellness. Should you wish EMC to forward your results to your Family Physician, with your signed consent we will arrange for your results to be forwarded, if you choose not to, your results remain with EMC.

If results of the Executive Medical Assessment indicate medical follow-up is needed/recommended, we will request consent to forward such results to your family physician so that proper follow-up can be arranged. Alternatively, EMC provides an Executive Medical Navigation program that can assist you with the arrangement of specialized testing and follow-up care should you wish not to do this yourself.

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